Thursday, April 29, 2010

Plettenburg Bay, here we are

We had a great drive to Plett without Shelley getting car sick, thankfully!

We spent two nights at Addo Elephant Park (as you will see from pics) which was probably the most amazing wild life experience I have ever had. We all went on a dusk Safari drive and literally had elephants walking by the truck within arms reach. Did I hold my breath? Ahh... YES! Was I terrified? Ahh YES! But at the same time I was so fortunate to experience what I did. The girls had a blast! We stopped half way through the game drive for some wine and snacks at the back of the truck until that is, that a herd of elephant came walking in our direction to see what that yummy smell was. Was I the first one to jump back in the truck? YES!

The following day we drove to Plettenberg Bay and stopped off at Monkey Land. It is the world's first free roaming multi specie primate sanctuary. We spent two hours walking among the wild monkeys as they played around our feet, checking us out to see what they could steal from us. We were warned to not wear glasses, etc as they love to reach down from the branches above your head and GRAB! We all had the opportunity to walk over the longest free swing bridge in Africa. Pics below or on next blog.

Nicole is trying to reason with us for her to adopt a monkey and live in South Africa. Her dad: Yes, sure...Her Mom: NOT!

Brett and Nicole have just left for a canopy tour above waterfalls and gorges. Pics will follow.

Shout Out for Dad: We drove right by Cape St. Francis and all I could do was think of you :)



  1. Looks like amazing trip so far sis - can't wait to see what else is in store for your family adventure! Wish I was there with you - love and miss you :) P

  2. OMG what a place, Elephants, Monkeys, Tigers Oh My. Then Cape Saint Francis. Some day I will get there. Miss you all Love Dad

  3. Wow, what a journey! Can only imagine what's next :) Miss and love you all

  4. How is the rest of the trip going?
