Sunday, April 25, 2010

And the run begins....

Hi All,

We had a special visit from a triathlete named Brett, who stopped by his three girls for a Hello! He was smiling so this must mean well, right? Man is it hot out there! But the breeze has just arrived in time to cool them off on their run. Brett was on his first loop when we saw him. He had a 5 minute transition time which is amazing. He so rocks!

Last night I was told that all he wants at the end of his run is good ol' biltong and a freezing cold beer. Off we went this morning to get that biltong and already have a cold one here that we will take to the finish line! But, Woody, the dog the size of a donkey crept into our flat while we were watching a show this afternoon and ever so quietly stole Brett's biltong! All we heard was a 'crinkle crinkle'. I thought it was Nicole until I saw the gray head walking through the doors to stash his treasure! LOL

Here is an updated pic of Brett on his run! The next update will be the FINISH!!!! YEAH!
I have the best man in the world!


  1. he looks awesome! rock star!!!

  2. OMG he looks so awesome sis!!! I can't believe he's almost done!! He's so amazing - tell him we all love him and we're so proud of him! We miss you guys!! Lots of love and congratulations! xoxox

  3. Oh no.. no bitlong! Woody didn't happen to have the ice cold beer too!? :)

    Great pics T! Brett's the man! Go Brett!!!

  4. Great pics T! He is incredible!!!

  5. Great stuff boet! Real shame about the billies, was wondering about the beer too but hey SA has plenty of reserves in both:) Hope the Mavic Carbones provided some extra confidence and speed for you....

    Pat the Cat

  6. Congrats on an amazing finish!!! Brett, you are my hero!!! Mom says 'you're incredible!' - You are truly an IRON-MAN!!!! We love you!!!!!

  7. Incrediable is all I can say. Amazing, wish I were there with you all. Congratulations on a greta Tri, how tough is the Boston Marathon now.

  8. I just could not wait and headed off to track the rock star, wow!

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