Saturday, April 24, 2010

Nicole finishes her first Iron Kids Race

HI Everyone,

All slept until 10:30am and wandered off to a good breakfast. Woody, a dog the size of a donkey, helped us bask in the morning sun for a while before we all got ready to take Nicole to do her first Kids Tri. The water was FREEZING. The poor kids jumped into a pit of ice so it's no wonder their little arms were flailing like they were...

Nicole did great but did get very dizzy on the run. I don't know if you know that she fainted in the kitchen last week? So after she ran over the finish line she was pretty upset and off to the medics she went. She is fine now but tired, and just want's a Wimpy Milkshake!! LOL She was awesome and we are so proud of her!

Brett is down at the race now delivering his bike and transition bags telling all the Africans they need to guard his bike for him tonight. One can only imagine...

I am planning for a 6am wake up in the morning to take Brett to the start of the tri. Fortunately, after he gets into the swim, the girls and I will come back to our B&B and watch him come past on all his loops. The location of our B&B is amazing. So I will be watching him cycle and run from a chair on the side on the road and walking in to the B&B to update the blogg and pictures as goes his way.

Thanks all for reading the blog. Stay tuned for the big day tomorrow :) GO BRETT GO!
ALL BTT'rs: You can leave comments below for him.....


  1. So glad to hear the Nic did the TRI, she is amazing. Nice here in the States Today, went to the golf course. Miss you all

  2. well done Nicole
    good luck uncle Brett
    love Aimee, Zoe& Olixxxxxxxx

  3. Congrats Nicole! You are so brave. We really miss you all. I hope you are having fun, but I am counting the days for you all to get home! Little John started music class today and it was the best 45 minutes I have ever had with him. Tell Shelley, Hi from Sienna, She has been talking about S. Africa a ton. We watched Free Willy the night you all left, and it was in S. Africa! She was so excited! Enjoy yourselves!
    Good luck Brett!

  4. That must have been really upsetting and scary for Nicole on the run, but nice going under difficult conditions! You are an Iron athlete!

    Brett, you'll have a great race, I'm looking forward to watching you enjoy the fruits of your hard training!

  5. Good job Nicolie!!!!! Im soooo proud of u! Cant wait to hear ALL about it!
    Good luck Brett!!!

    Molly :)

  6. CONGRATS Nicole!

    Not sure if I am flattered or insulted by sharing a name with a dog...

    BRETT: Race like the wind! You have worked so hard to achieve one of the greatest single day athletic accomplishments in the world. Savor every moment...

    Theresa - Never ever underestimate the importance of your role in this adventure - enjoy the day!

    I will be following you on-line -

    Cheers -

  7. NICOLEY!!! Great job!
    Good luck Brett!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ,Carly :)
